Monday, May 28, 2012

Buying coins on forums

I like to look for coins on forums from time to time. I have always believed in the term "for the collectors, from the collector." I mean for a collector to buy a coin there must be a reason. Perhaps it is in pretty good condition or it was purchased for sentimental reasons.
Now I'm not saying that dealers are bad but I have heard many horror stories about how dealers mishandle a coin. Also some unscrupulous dealers may be selling problem coins or even counterfeit coins. Now this doesn't mean that buying from a collector on a forum is safe. As a matter of fact its just as or even more dangerous. Always be on the lookout on how the member handles himself, some signs may tell you how a member on a forum is.
Having many misspelled words or abbreviations may be a red flag. This does not include coin terms but things like ROFLMAO, WTF, WTH and many others. Another sign is the words a person uses, childish or hateful words are another thing. Innuendoes and phrases of insulting another person in a non-direct manner are all signs that a person may be either childish, demented or someone that is uneducated. These are traits that person may have that you want to stay away from.
Also this leads to my next point. In this day and age sites like eBay, Heritage Auctions and Teletrade are huge markets for the coin buyer. All these sites are secure places you can buy from, HA and Teletrade being the more secure ones. From time to time you may still have problems with eBay sellers.
There should be no reason why a forum member should set a price that is higher than any of these sites including eBay. They are bypassing the fees which are required to sell through any of these auction houses. You the buyer are doing them a favor from buying from them on the forums.
Also buying from members on forums also opens you up to be ripped off. Most sites do not offer buyer protection, if the seller decides not to send you the coins the worst thing that will happen is a banned account for the member that is selling. This means nothing for the buyer when some coins can cost up to the thousands. Always use a site that is very popular and if possible a member that is recommended by other forum members.
So in closing I would like to point out a few things which I will revise into a list.
1. Read a member's posts carefully. The words and phrases used often reveals how a person really is.
2. Do not and I mean do not buy from anybody on a forum that lists their coins for a higher price than eBay's finished prices. Remember you the buyer are doing them a favor to bypass the fees.
3. Read up on other members dealings with said seller. Other's opinions on a transaction is essentially the same thing as a feedback on eBay.
4, If possible always send funds in a secure manner. A seller that states personal checks or money orders only may be trying to take the money and run.
5. Stay safe when buying and trading on open forums. Many sites do not get involved when a transaction goes wrong.